[CI] Open SSI 0.5.0 for Linux 2.4.6

Brian J. Watson Brian.J.Watson@compaq.com
Wed, 08 Aug 2001 18:02:39 -0700

Vipin Gokhale wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> opensource.compaq.com seems to be unaccessible most of the times.
> Wondering
> if this is a known problem and/or there's a better url to chase.
> Thanks,
> Vipin

Yup, opensource.compaq.com is flaky right now. A week from now, after
it's been moved to SourceForge, it should be much better.

The SSI homepage is at:

The CI homepage is at:

These URLs are very temporary. They'll be moved to SourceForge toward
the end of next week.

Brian Watson                | "The common people of England... so 
Linux Kernel Developer      |  jealous of their liberty, but like the 
Open SSI Clustering Project |  common people of most other countries 
Compaq Computer Corp        |  never rightly considering wherein it 
Los Angeles, CA             |  consists..."
                            |     -Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, 1776
