[CI] Thus this fit our requirment documentation

Peter Badovinatz tabmowzo@yahoo.com
Tue, 7 Aug 2001 00:16:36 -0700 (PDT)

--- Aneesh Kumar <kvaneesh@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi , 
>  Found this document. I gives a detailed analysis of
> what actually one look in a cluster.  Can we see Linux
> listing in some of these studies in another  2-3
> years. 
> http://tru64unix.compaq.com/dhba_ras.pdf

Take a look at http://www.linux-ha.org/.  This document, and the same report
from 1998 (http://www.sun.com/clusters/dh.brown.pdf), both by D.H. Brown, are
both referenced there.  You'll also see a rather over-optimistic statement
there in the paragraph:

<begin quote>
"We are on the road to being competitive with commercial systems similar to
those described in D. H. Brown's 1998 or March 2000 analysis of RAS cluster
features and functions.  As noted below, we have added a new project to port
SGI's FailSafe product to Linux. This will help accelerate the process
significantly.  It seems possible for Linux HA software to achieve D. H. Brown
level of competitiveness in 2001."
<end quote>

Are we there as of 2001?  IMHO, no.  But if you read linux-ha.org and follow
the various links, especially discussions related to directions and frameworks,
then we may see our way to making it to that future.

>  -aneesh 


These have been the opinions of:
Peter R. Badovinatz -- (503)578-5530 (TL 775)
and in no way should be construed as official opinion of 
IBM, Corp.

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